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2022Regular Season Results

Congratulations to our 2022 Softball - Regular Season 1st and 2nd place winners!


6u 8u Red 8u White

1st Place – Lighting 1st Place – Lightning 1st Place - Comets

2nd Place – Comets 2nd Place – Cyclones 2nd Place – Storm



8u Blue 10u 12u

1st Place – Crush 1st Place – Diamonds 1st Place – Angels

2nd Place – Panthers 2nd Place – Aces 2nd Place – Hurricanes







SBMSA Alumni in College Softball

SBMSA has provided our local girls training through the baseball and softball programs for over 50 years, and naturally you would assume that some of those ladies played college ball. Here is a list of a few who we know.
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Frequently Asked Questions About SBMSA SOFTBALL
A list of commonly asked questions about the softball program including special dates for the season.
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